Human Body Systems

Diaphragm MCQs with Answers

Welcome to the Diaphragm MCQs with Answers. In this post, we have shared Diaphragm Online Test for different competitive exams. Find practice Diaphragm Practice Questions with answers in Biology Tests exams here. Each question offers a chance to enhance your knowledge regarding Diaphragm.

The diaphragm is a crucial muscle in the human respiratory system, located below the lungs and heart, separating the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity. It plays a vital role in the breathing process. When the diaphragm contracts, it flattens, enlarging the thoracic cavity and reducing the pressure within, which allows air to flow into the lungs. When the diaphragm relaxes, it returns to a dome shape, pushing air out of the lungs. This involuntary muscle movement is essential for effective respiration and oxygen exchange in the body.

In addition to its respiratory functions, the diaphragm also contributes to core stability and helps in processes like coughing, sneezing, and vomiting by generating intra-abdominal pressure. Diaphragm dysfunction can lead to breathing difficulties and conditions such as diaphragmatic paralysis or eventration. Strengthening the diaphragm through exercises like diaphragmatic breathing can enhance respiratory efficiency and overall well-being.

Diaphragm Online Quiz

By presenting 3 options to choose from, Diaphragm Quiz which cover a wide range of topics and levels of difficulty, making them adaptable to various learning objectives and preferences. You will have to read all the given answers of Diaphragm Questions and Answers and click over the correct answer.

  • Test Name: Diaphragm MCQ Quiz Practice
  • Type: Quiz Test
  • Total Questions: 40
  • Total Marks: 40
  • Time: 40 minutes

Note: Answer of the questions will change randomly each time you start the test. Practice each quiz test at least 3 times if you want to secure High Marks. Once you are finished, click the View Results button. If any answer looks wrong to you in Quiz, simply click on question and comment below that question, so that we can update the answer in the quiz section.

Diaphragm MCQs


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1 / 40

At which vertebral level does the aorta pass through the diaphragm?

2 / 40

How many openings are there in the diaphragm for major structures?

3 / 40

Which structure anchors the diaphragm to the lumbar vertebrae?

4 / 40

Which side of the diaphragm is higher due to the liver?

5 / 40

The diaphragm is attached to which part of the sternum?

6 / 40

The diaphragm helps in which of the following activities?

7 / 40

Which nerve innervates the diaphragm?

8 / 40

Which structure does not pierce the diaphragm?

9 / 40

Which event occurs when the diaphragm contracts?

10 / 40

Which of the following is not a function of the diaphragm?

11 / 40

Which muscle acts as an antagonist to the diaphragm during forced expiration?

12 / 40

Which muscle contracts simultaneously with the diaphragm during normal breathing?

13 / 40

What happens to the diaphragm during exhalation?

14 / 40

What is the function of the diaphragm during sneezing?

15 / 40

Which of the following does not pass through the diaphragm?

16 / 40

Which structure does the phrenic nerve pass through before reaching the diaphragm?

17 / 40

Which major blood vessel passes through the diaphragm at the level of T8?

18 / 40

The diaphragm receives sensory innervation from which nerve?

19 / 40

The main action of the diaphragm contributes to which respiratory phase?

20 / 40

The diaphragm is primarily involved in which process?

21 / 40

The diaphragm is innervated by which cervical nerve roots?

22 / 40

Which organ lies directly below the diaphragm on the right side?

23 / 40

During inspiration, the diaphragm moves in which direction?

24 / 40

The diaphragm receives blood supply from which arteries?

25 / 40

The diaphragm is anchored to the spine by what structure?

26 / 40

The diaphragm has openings for all of the following except?

27 / 40

What is the primary action of the diaphragm during quiet breathing?

28 / 40

The diaphragm assists in increasing which dimension of the thoracic cavity during inhalation?

29 / 40

The diaphragm is composed of which type of muscle tissue?

30 / 40

What shape is the diaphragm in its relaxed state?

31 / 40

What is the central tendon of the diaphragm?

32 / 40

The muscle fibers of the diaphragm converge at which structure?

33 / 40

Which structure passes through the diaphragm at the level of T10?

34 / 40

The diaphragm separates which two cavities?

35 / 40

The diaphragm forms the floor of which cavity?

36 / 40

The diaphragm contracts in response to signals from which part of the brain?

37 / 40

The diaphragm is part of which system in the body?

38 / 40

Diaphragmatic hernia usually occurs in which area?

39 / 40

The diaphragmatic muscle fibers are classified as?

40 / 40

Which condition can result from diaphragmatic paralysis?


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Diaphragm Flashcards

The diaphragm is primarily involved in which process?


Which nerve innervates the diaphragm?

Phrenic nerve

The diaphragm separates which two cavities?

Thoracic and abdominal cavities

What shape is the diaphragm in its relaxed state?


Which structure passes through the diaphragm at the level of T10?


What is the central tendon of the diaphragm?

A strong aponeurosis

During inspiration, the diaphragm moves in which direction?


The diaphragm is composed of which type of muscle tissue?

Skeletal muscle

Which major blood vessel passes through the diaphragm at the level of T8?

Inferior vena cava

The diaphragm assists in increasing which dimension of the thoracic cavity during inhalation?


Which of the following is not a function of the diaphragm?

Production of bile

At which vertebral level does the aorta pass through the diaphragm?


The diaphragm is attached to which part of the sternum?

Xiphoid process

Which muscle contracts simultaneously with the diaphragm during normal breathing?

Intercostal muscles

Which structure does not pierce the diaphragm?


How many openings are there in the diaphragm for major structures?


The diaphragm receives blood supply from which arteries?

Phrenic arteries

The diaphragm contracts in response to signals from which part of the brain?

Medulla oblongata

What is the function of the diaphragm during sneezing?

Helps expel air forcefully

The diaphragm is anchored to the spine by what structure?


Which of the following does not pass through the diaphragm?


The muscle fibers of the diaphragm converge at which structure?

Central tendon

The diaphragm forms the floor of which cavity?

Thoracic cavity

Which event occurs when the diaphragm contracts?


What is the primary action of the diaphragm during quiet breathing?

Lowers thoracic pressure

Which condition can result from diaphragmatic paralysis?

Respiratory failure

The diaphragm has openings for all of the following except?


The diaphragmatic muscle fibers are classified as?

Striated muscle

Which organ lies directly below the diaphragm on the right side?


What happens to the diaphragm during exhalation?

Relaxes and rises

Which structure anchors the diaphragm to the lumbar vertebrae?


The diaphragm receives sensory innervation from which nerve?

Phrenic nerve

The diaphragm helps in which of the following activities?


Which side of the diaphragm is higher due to the liver?

Right side

Diaphragmatic hernia usually occurs in which area?

Esophageal hiatus

The diaphragm is innervated by which cervical nerve roots?

C3, C4, C5

Which muscle acts as an antagonist to the diaphragm during forced expiration?

Abdominal muscles

The diaphragm is part of which system in the body?

Respiratory system

The main action of the diaphragm contributes to which respiratory phase?


Which structure does the phrenic nerve pass through before reaching the diaphragm?


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