
Genetic Engineering Applications MCQs with Answers

Welcome to the Genetic Engineering Applications MCQs with Answers. In this post, we have shared Genetic Engineering Applications Online Test for different competitive exams. Find practice Genetic Engineering Applications Practice Questions with answers in Biology Tests exams here. Each question offers a chance to enhance your knowledge regarding Genetic Engineering Applications.

Genetic engineering applications have revolutionized various fields, offering transformative solutions in medicine, agriculture, and industry. This technology involves modifying an organism’s DNA to achieve desired traits or functions, leveraging techniques such as CRISPR, gene cloning, and recombinant DNA technology.

In medicine, genetic engineering has led to significant breakthroughs, including the development of targeted gene therapies for treating genetic disorders like cystic fibrosis and muscular dystrophy. It has also enabled the production of recombinant proteins, such as insulin and growth hormones, which are crucial for treating diabetes and growth deficiencies.

Agricultural applications of genetic engineering have enhanced crop yield and resilience. Genetically modified (GM) crops, such as Bt cotton and Roundup Ready soybeans, have been engineered to resist pests and herbicides, respectively, leading to more efficient farming practices and reduced reliance on chemical pesticides. Genetic engineering also plays a role in developing crops with improved nutritional profiles and stress tolerance, addressing global food security challenges.

In industry, genetic engineering contributes to the production of biofuels, biodegradable plastics, and other sustainable materials. Microorganisms can be engineered to produce valuable chemicals and enzymes, streamlining industrial processes and reducing environmental impact.

Despite its benefits, genetic engineering also raises ethical and safety concerns, particularly regarding GMOs and gene editing in humans. Ongoing research and regulatory frameworks aim to address these issues, ensuring responsible use of this powerful technology.

Genetic Engineering Applications Online Quiz

By presenting 3 options to choose from, Genetic Engineering Applications Quiz which cover a wide range of topics and levels of difficulty, making them adaptable to various learning objectives and preferences. You will have to read all the given answers of Genetic Engineering Applications Questions and Answers and click over the correct answer.

  • Test Name: Genetic Engineering Applications MCQ Quiz Practice
  • Type: Quiz Test
  • Total Questions: 40
  • Total Marks: 40
  • Time: 40 minutes

Note: Answer of the questions will change randomly each time you start the test. Practice each quiz test at least 3 times if you want to secure High Marks. Once you are finished, click the View Results button. If any answer looks wrong to you in Quizzes. simply click on question and comment below that question. so that we can update the answer in the quiz section.

Genetic Engineering Applications MCQs

Genetic Engineering Applications

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1 / 40

Which process involves using bacteria to produce human proteins?

2 / 40

What is the term for the use of living organisms to create products or perform tasks?

3 / 40

Which technique separates DNA fragments based on size?

4 / 40

What is the role of a probe in DNA hybridization techniques?

5 / 40

Which technique is used to separate DNA fragments based on their charge and size?

6 / 40

What is the main application of gene editing in animals?

7 / 40

What is the term for a circular DNA molecule used as a vector in genetic engineering?

8 / 40

Which technique is used to determine the nucleotide sequence of a DNA molecule?

9 / 40

Which technique can be used to edit genes within an organism?

10 / 40

What is the purpose of using a reporter gene in genetic engineering?

11 / 40

What is the primary application of CRISPR-Cas9 technology in agriculture?

12 / 40

What is the main advantage of using viral vectors for gene therapy?

13 / 40

What is the purpose of a gene knockout in genetic research?

14 / 40

Which technique amplifies a specific segment of DNA?

15 / 40

What is the main advantage of using adenoviruses as gene delivery vectors?

16 / 40

What is the purpose of gel electrophoresis in genetic engineering?

17 / 40

Which technique is used to identify the presence of specific DNA sequences?

18 / 40

What is the term for a genetically identical copy of an organism?

19 / 40

What is the purpose of genetic engineering in the production of insulin?

20 / 40

What is the main goal of gene therapy?

21 / 40

Which process involves the introduction of a gene into a patient's cells to treat a genetic disorder?

22 / 40

Which enzyme is essential for the synthesis of complementary DNA (cDNfrom mRNA?

23 / 40

Which method is commonly used to introduce foreign DNA into bacterial cells?

24 / 40

What is the function of a selectable marker in genetic engineering?

25 / 40

Which technique is used to introduce foreign genes into plant cells?

26 / 40

What is the term for DNA molecules that contain sequences from two different organisms?

27 / 40

Which method uses an electric field to increase the permeability of the cell membrane to DNA?

28 / 40

Which enzyme is used to cut DNA at specific sequences?

29 / 40

Which enzyme synthesizes complementary DNA from an RNA template?

30 / 40

What is the process of inserting foreign DNA into an organism's genome called?

31 / 40

What is the main purpose of PCR in genetic engineering?

32 / 40

Which type of enzyme is used to join DNA fragments together?

33 / 40

What is the term for an organism that has been genetically modified?

34 / 40

What is the main application of genetically modified (GM) crops?

35 / 40

Which method can introduce foreign DNA into plant cells?

36 / 40

What is the function of a vector in genetic engineering?

37 / 40

What is the term for the production of identical copies of a gene or organism?

38 / 40

What is the role of DNA ligase in genetic engineering?

39 / 40

What is the purpose of a selectable marker in a plasmid vector?

40 / 40

What is the first step in the process of cloning a gene?


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